Tag Archives: acktus trials

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapter 23-Episode 17

D. T. Kane reads chapter 23 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get them into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support! 

Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now:



Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, now available!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09R18NZ5G/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1

Your preferred retailer: https://books2read.com/declaimersdiscovery

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Eromer: The Book Dragon!

Below is a copy of my script/notes for the episode, not a verbatim transcription:


Welcome back to D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is Sunday, May 8, 2022 as I record this, episode 17.

Big personal update for me this week is I ran my half marathon yesterday that I’ve been talking about over the past couple months. The Ellicotville Happy Half for those wondering. EVL is a beautiful ski resort community about 40 minutes outside Buffalo, NY. Not quite as flat as I would have liked, but I still reached my goal, just barely. I was aiming to complete the race in 2:10 and crossed the line in 2:09:58. Couple big hills got me toward the end, but still managed to pull it out and lessons learned for my next race!

For those of you who read the weekly newsletter, you’ll know that I like to compare running to writing–they’re both endurance sports where persistence pays off, so I like how they complement one another. Plus it’s good exercise.

Other than running, I continue my work on Part IV of the Spoken Books Uprising. I’m now in the homestretch of that and intend to have the first draft completed by May 20, since I’ll be out of the country starting May 21 for two weeks. More on that at the end of the episode.


He wouldn’t run

So Baz and company fly away on Eromer. He’s definitely got some strong magic going on. No wings, and Baz can’t even tell when they’ve lifted off the ground, because he’s got his eyes shut. But before we know it, they’re soaring over the Firelands. And a few interesting sights.

One, we get our first glimpse of Tome, the spire of the Great Library poking over the horizon. Awe, exhilaration, nausea. Baz’s emotions running the gamut. It’s an amazing sight, seeing something that Baz has ever only heard spoken of as a historic relic. But it also marks the approaching end of his journey, driving reality home. He’s going to have to face the dangers of the ruins, the Citiless who apparently dwell there, and after that, he worries what Deliritous will do with him once the Trials are done.

But Baz finally admits outright that he owes it to Deliritous to finish the Trials for him. Baz acknowledges it would have been easier and even understandable if Deliritous hadn’t saved him. Baz finally letting his guard down just a bit.

The other notable sights are the pockets of greenery that Baz notices spotted across the otherwise desolate Firelands. “Little bastions of uncorrupted grass and trees that had somehow avoided succumbing to the all-consuming swamp that surrounded them.” What are they? They’re Book Dragon dens. There’s more than just Eromer! Though, he notes there are fewer each year. What’s happening to them? Not clear at this point. Old age? Or is something else killing them? Regardless, they’re doing what they can to “keep the power of the Scribes alive?” What does that mean? Hold that thought.


Baz gets a bit surly for a moment–how might the world be different if the Book Dragons actually went into the world instead of hiding in the Firelands lamenting a failed oath? But then he realizes he’s not unlike the Book Dragons—he didn’t want to leave his home either, despite not really liking it. This bothers Baz, though he can’t put his finger on it. But this is sort of a hidden big moment for him. The first time that Baz actually realizes it’s maybe not right to sit around in comfort when there’s good to be done out in the world. This is a concept I find particularly important: Do we live for comfort, or do we live to chase our dreams and do something meaningful, which often involves at least a bit of discomfort? I’ve actually got a post-it note on my monitor that says “Fuck Comfort” to help remind me never to get complacent.


So we land in Eromer’s clearing. It’s like an oasis, even bigger than the other sanctuaries Baz saw from the sky. Which suggests something about Eromer, right? Why is he the Book Dragon with the biggest lair even though he was so young at the time of the Burning? He’s even got a bunch of animals, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, and horses. And a giant dog. Novel the dog! Of course a Book Dragon has a dog named novel. Still, Eromer is depressed when Baz comments on all the “life” in the clearing. “This is the merest fraction of what this land used to be. To be.”

Eromer’s “house” is a giant cave. Glass spheres hovering in midair supply light, but Baz barely notices those, because the cave is full of bookshelves, all of them FULL of Spoken Books. More Books than in all of Erstwhile Baz says. “What little I was able to save from the Great Library before the shelves fell. So little, of so vast a collection.” Driving home the point that Spoken Books weren’t always as rare as they are today. Many destroyed during the Burning, and remember others were destroyed by Deliritous’s ancestor during the Second Burning.

For an instant, Baz sees a way out of going to Tome. But Eromer says he can’t have any of the Books because they aren’t his to give. He’s just looking after them until He Who Writes returns to claim them. Who’s that? Why, Pront vi Lextor, the Enigma, of course! This floors Baz, since Eromer speaks like he knew him. Here’s the final evidence from last week’s quest–Eromer is holding onto Books he personally saved from Tome and knew the Enigma. He’s the same dragon from the prologue.

Rox also notes that Book Dragons were followers of the Enigma, which is why Enigmans worship them. They don’t tell lies, just like Rox and his people.

I wish you to know I am sorry

No we get back into some philosophy. Rox notes that Eromer is suffering from the symptoms of a broken oath. That’s why he has all the animals. He’s caring for them to try to make up for his failure. “It is the only way to find Truth after you have lied, by fulfilling a greater oath.” Remember at the beginning of the chapter, we find out that Eromer was angry when Baz suggested killing the horses, saying he’d rescue them later.

This starts us on an interesting discussion. Baz says Eromer is being arrogant, thinking he alone is to blame for the Burning. He was young, surely he wasn’t solely responsible. Is an oath broken just because its cause extinguished? Baz argues no if there’s no causal link between your actions and the end of the oath. If Deliritous died in his sleep from a disease would Rox be guilty of breaking his oath?

Rox says that when you truly devote yourself to an oath, you feel blame for its loss no matter the cause.

Baz: Guilting yourself for something outside your control doesn’t create actual responsibility for the loss.

Rox: Have you never suffered a failure that troubled you deeply even though it was out of your hands?

Of course Baz has. His brother. If only Baz had kept his mouth shut all those years ago, maybe Tax wouldn’t have been retired. I’m not sure Baz and Rox are really even arguing here. Rox doesn’t necessarily disagree with Baz’s point about actual responsibility. Really what they’re debating is whether it’s “right” to feel guilt over a failed promise that was out of your control. The logical answer seems no–if you couldn’t have done anything, why feel bad? But here’s the paradox: if you were truly dedicated to a cause, how could you not feel bad about it failing? If you didn’t feel bad about it failing, wouldn’t that mean you weren’t truly dedicated, and thus dishonest about your dedication? So is the logical path actually a sign of dishonesty in this instance?

Then Rox is like a mind reader here. He knows Baz is thinking of his brother. And Rox apologizes for hurting Tax! Oh, Rox. If we didn’t love him already, we love him now, right? He’s got regret over what he did to Baz’s brother. He worries it wasn’t consistent with his oath. Was Deliritous truly endangered by Tax?

Baz of course says Rox can’t possibly understand what it was like to lose Tax. But again our giant teddy bear killer surprises us. He lost family too. When Deliritous’s father “acquired” him, he left behind a sister, Adalexa Stonebinder. And he has sworn an oath that one day he will return to her. Woah! That’s a huge bit of news, isn’t it? Rox has actually sworn another oath that’s potentially conflicting with his promise to Deliritous. And it seems he was brought into Torchsire’s service against his will. “When they took me away” he says.

Of course, Baz can’t let this nice moment last. “Maybe you’re a bit less of a lout than I thought. [Rox chuckles] But we’re not friends.” What happens when we get back from the Trials, Rox, and Deliritous wants to turn me in for a Cuss? Rox says Deliritous wouldn’t go back on his oath, but Baz asks whether Deliritous is more dedicated to the Truth or his father? Rox has no answer, which I guess is an answer.

Funny, though. Even though Baz is throwing Rox’s effort at bridging the divide between them back in his face, Baz shows some growth here. He doesn’t really blame Rox or Deliritous. Deliritous “is just a product of his environment.” Echoing what his brother told him back at the beginning of the book, Baz seems to have finally adopted a mature attitude as well. But still, how can he and Rox be friends when they both know that, ultimately, Rox would support Deliritous in breaking his oath and getting Baz killed? Baz even silently admits to himself that Rox has a heart beneath his killer’s exterior. Maybe Rox even understands him.


Homework: OK, we’re going to be going into vacation mode the next few weeks. You’ll still get an episode each week, but they’ll be a bit shorter. Next week (Episode 18) will be just Chapter 24, no analysis after. Same the following week, Episode 19, will be just Chapter 25. Episode 20 will be my discussion of those chapters. Then Episode 21 will be Chapter 26, which is very short, and my analysis of that chapter. But this will all be leading up to a very significant (and long) chapter 27. So hopefully you’ll forgive me the shorter episodes since you’ll be getting a marathon of an episode out of me when I return from vacation.


“The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. Still, the struggle itself is worthwhile. Knowledge is the root of power, after all.”

― Joe Abercrombie, The Blade Itself

Being told to “enjoy the journey” is an overused cliché. But clichés tend to be clichés for a reason: there’s truth buried in them. It’s easy to become obsessed with the next thing, and the next thing after that, and so on ad infinitum.

But what is living if not the present moment? That’s all we have–the past is gone and the future never guaranteed. So stop and smell the roses, or feel the sunshine on your face, or actually taste that morning coffee. Embrace the present and take power back from the stresses of life.

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapters 21 & 22-Episode 16

D. T. Kane reads chapters 21 and 22 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get them into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now:



Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, now available!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09R18NZ5G/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1

Your preferred retailer: https://books2read.com/declaimersdiscovery

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Eromer: The Book Dragon!

Below is a copy of the script/notes I used for the episode, not a verbatim transcription.


Welcome back to D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is Sunday, May 1, 2022 as I record this, episode 16 of the podcast.

Writing wise the past week was a bit of a challenging one. Found a couple holes in the subplot of Part IV of The Spoken Books Uprising that required me to go back and re-work a few things in my outline. I even dove into a couple craft books and reviewed some plot archetypes and beats to help diagnose where I was going wrong. I find that very helpful when I’m stuck, looking to examples of things that I know work in order to jumpstart my imagination. I’m not the best at just pulling ideas out of thin air, but give me just a few sparks and I can turn them into a blaze given enough time to let my imagination work.

Still, it felt frustrating at the time because when I’m in drafting mode I try and get the story out as quickly as I can, so a day or two of no serious movement in word count feels like I’ve stalled. But I figured out where my issues were and now I’m back on track, and having diagnosed and remedied the problems now will never make my life a lot easier moving forward, so I need to just tell myself to be happy with that.

On a more personal note, my two-week trip to Europe is now 20 days away. I’ll be recording some episodes in advance so that there’s no gap while I’m gone, though a couple will be shorter episodes than normal. But hey! Either that, or no book club at all, and I didn’t want to ghost you guys while I was gone.

Finally, the half marathon I’ve been talking about is next weekend, so next week I’ll let everyone know how that went. I’ve put in some good training and I’m excited to get out there and see what I can do. Wish me luck!


Chapter 21

Rox, get out of there!

Is Baz showing concern for Rox? Certainly sounds like it, though I’m sure if we asked Baz he’d only say it’s because he’s as good as dead if Rox isn’t around to protect him. Then again, wasn’t Baz just considering running away from Rox?

So this is an altogether different dragon. Does its description sound at all familiar to you?

At least as large as the wyrm they’d encountered, and it was shaped similarly, body one long line, though it had four legs. Glowing blue eyes were positioned above a flattened snout. It reminded Baz more of a dog than a great monster, particularly its drooping ears, each larger than a horse. A crest of white hair topped its head, flopping from side to side as the dragon’s upper body hovered above Rox, the rest of its length hidden behind the debris in the road. Thin strands of hair like mustaches hung down from either side of its snout, rising and falling as the beast drew breath.

But the most incredible thing about it was its hide. A strip of white hair ran down the length of its back, but the rest of its pale skin was bare, almost as if shaven. And upon it there was writing, tattooed over so much of the skin’s surface it seemed more ink than flesh. Words from each of the branches of the Trinity, written in the quintet of elemental colors. Something about the creature’s appearance tugged at Baz’s memory, but he was far too concerned with staying alive to pay it much heed.

It sounds a lot like the dragon from the prologue, right? It even repeats the ends of its sentences like the one in the prologue did. It’s a Book Dragon, like the statue we saw in the Conservatory and Leanna’s workshop. Apparently they aren’t extinct.

Interesting point here that, while most people seemed to think Book Dragons were extinct, Rox seems to recognize it. He’s even got a special name for it, Illumined One, and says its sacred. Now, has Rox just seen the statues too, or does he have some special knowledge of Book Dragons? Hmmmm. Rox’s depth continues to grow.

So every time Baz speaks, the dragon gets upset. Rox says it’s because it thinks Baz is trying to cast a spell. Which is interesting. Apparently the dragon can sense others able to draw power from Books. And also, the fact that Rox is able to so quickly put that together suggests he does, in fact, have some special knowledge of the creatures.

However, speaking is also the key to befriending the dragon. “You just have to Speak its name [to befriend it]” Rox tells us, which is tattooed on the dragon’s forehead. The keen observers among you out there will recognize this was foreshadowed back at the beginning, since Leanna’s name was also inscribed in the forehead of her Book Dragon statue in her workshop. Baz, of course, is skeptical, but goes ahead and tries to Read the name. “Eer-rooo-meeer.”

You enunciation is awful

It talks! And not just in one of the magic languages of Spoken Books, but the common tongue that Baz can understand. We learn that the Book Dragon was attacked by Hellar and his dragon and its tail is stuck under a large boulder. That’s why Eromer was so skiddish around them–he thought Rox and Baz might have been friends of Hellar. A Hoarder of Words (Reader) and his Oppressed (Speaker). Seems he has different names for lots of things in this world.

He calls the dragon a “Lost One.” Rox explains this is because the Fire Breathers betrayed their oath to protect the Great Library during the Burning. Recall that this was eluded to back in the prologue, where the Book Dragon there noted that the Fire Breathers fled during the Burning.

So the Book Dragon is in a predicament, and Rox is more than happy to offer it help. He seems a bit awed by the creature, and is quite angry when Baz doesn’t show it the proper respect. But when the dragon mentions having a cave, an idea strikes Baz. The thing can fly, and it has a safe place nearby. So he strikes a bargain with the dragon—we’ll get the rock off you, if you take Deliritous back to your cave and… fly us to Tome! Ah-ha! Who was wondering just how I was going to get Baz to Tome after the disaster with Deliritous? Well, what better way than to fly him there?

Part 4

Chapter 22

When the Shelves Fell

So we move right on to the fourth and final part of the novel and Chapter 22.

We saw in Chapter 21 the Book Dragon is VERY touchy about any talk relating to Tome or the Great Library, and here we see why. The Book Dragon–Eromer–is over 400 years old! He was there when the Burning happened. He’ll agree to fly Rox and Baz to the outskirts of Tome, but he won’t go into the ruins themselves because he failed his oath to protect it and can’t bear to enter. That would seem to explain why he also has odd names for many things–his speech is centuries old. The Burning is “When the shelves fell.” And yes, that is an homage to the famous Star Trek TNG episode “Darmok,” which I think is sort of fitting since that episode is all about communicating with an alien who doesn’t speak English, and here we have Baz communicating with a dragon. “Shaka, when the walls fell.”

And what does he call Baz? An “Orator,” which you’ll recall from the recitation of Oration’s history during the opening ceremony of the Trials, was the term for men who could both Read and Speak prior to the Burning. Eromer uses the term as if it isn’t 300 years out-of-style.

But interesting, when Baz corrects him and says where he’s from, he’s called a Cuss. Eromer is shocked, not because Baz and Read and Speak, but because that means he’s an Oppressed, a Speaker. And yet, he’s asking Eromer to help heal a Hoarder of Words (Reader). Interesting, as this suggests that Eromer retains some connection to the current world, since he obviously knows what “Cuss” means.

Gossamer Words

So the first prong of the deal was for Eromer to take Deliritous back to his cave and care for him. But he says Deliritous can’t fly in his current injured state. So the dragon begins to sing, just like Tax did with the Retirees back in the sub-basement of Torchsire Library. Except, to Baz’s amazement, the song has power! Deliritous begins to heal, his burns disappearing. The dragon doesn’t have any Spoken Books, but there is the writing on his body, and some of it glows as he sings. So, it seems, the Book Dragon is a flying Spoken Book, it can draw magical power from itself!

Serious implications here. Remember, Tax had a tattoo of Spoken Words on his arm last Baz saw him. Is he trying to give himself the same powers as a Book Dragon? But if that’s the case, why don’t all the Readers just do that and do away with the Books? Curioser and Curioser.

One final note: did you notice how Eromer’s tail seemed to heal itself? Bloody when they levered the rock off it, then merely bruised minutes later? Seems this Book Dragon has more magic powers than we’ve seen out of anyone else, man or beast, to this point of the story.

And so we leave our heroes this week, preparing to fly away on the Book Dragon.


Homework: Next week we’ll read Chapter 23. We see where Eromer lives and some rather interesting furnishings in his cave. Then we learn something of Rox’s past that unsettles Baz.

Listener Question:

Quest: Last week’s quest was what is the name of the Book Dragon from the prologue. Well, maybe I’m giving away a bit too much here, but we’ve only been given the name of one Book Dragon, Eromer. It’s the same dragon!

In preparation for seeing where Eromer lives next week, I’d like you to let me know what your favorite home from a fantasy novel is. Could be a house, a cave, a hovel, a hobbit hole, or something else. Someone just has to have lived in it.


“In my experience, communication is a matter of patience, imagination. I would like to believe that these are qualities that we have in sufficient measure.”

– Captain Picard, from the Star Trek TNG Episode “Darmok”

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapters 19 & 20-Episode 15

D. T. Kane reads chapters 19 and 20 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get them into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now:



Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, now available!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09R18NZ5G/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1

Your preferred retailer: https://books2read.com/declaimersdiscovery

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Below are my notes/script for the episode, not an exact transcription:


Welcome back to D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is Saturday, April 23, 2022 as I record this, Episode 15.

With release week behind us, it was back to writing and making good progress on Part IV of the Spoken Books Uprising. My first draft broke 50,000 words and I think I’m on track to have it finished before May 20. That’s my goal because May 21 I’m flying to Europe for two weeks, and don’t plan to be doing much work then! Ireland, Paris, and Brussels. It’s going to be awesome and I plan to be sharing lots of photos with all of you upon my return. I’m sure I’ll find some new inspiration for things to put in future novels as well.

Preorder Part III, Declaimer’s Flight: https://books2read.com/declaimersflight

I’ve also got my half marathon in two weeks that I’ve mentioned several times on here before. Just got back from an 11 mile run before recording today, so my legs are barking a bit. If those of you watching on YouTube see me fidgeting around more than usual, you know why!

ANAYLIS CHs. 19-20

Chapter 19

Who did Deliritous think he was?

We start just as we left off last week, with Baz in shock over Deliritous sacrificing himself to save Baz. Baz is actually angry: “Who did Deliritous think he was, putting Baz in his debt like that?” Why do we think Baz feels like this? Could it be because he sees that Deliritous is actually the better man than him? That he was willing to change where Baz hasn’t been so far? Tough way to learn that lesson.

Then Rox shows up, having pulled himself out of the bog. And we get some contrast here, first Rox cradling Deliritous like a child—once again, we see how much Deliritous appears to mean to Rox, despite the fact that Rox is essentially another of Deliritous’s slaves.

Then he punches Deliritous square in the chest. Baz laughs when Deliritous curses, showing he isn’t dead.

The tender moment quickly passes, though, when we realize Deliritous is severely burned and all the medicine they had with them was in his saddle bags, which have been cooked by the dragon. But even in his dire state, Deliritous isn’t willing to give up on his dream. We see even more growth here—recall back just about 10 chapters ago, Deliritous wanted to turn back with a broken leg. Now he’s suffered likely mortal burns and he still wants to press on.

Baz sees the impossibility of Deliritous going on and offers to finish the Trials for him on his own while Rox takes Delirious back to Hamlet. “He owed it to Deliritous now.” It continues to be unclear whether Baz has actually truly changed, or if he’s making this offer solely out of obligation. He’s certainly having an internal battle with himself.

He wanted to be furious at Deliritous for even suggesting that he be grateful to the man who had robbed him of his brother. That Baz knew he owed Deliritous his life only worsened the resentment he felt. But would he have rather died than be in Deliritous’s debt? The answer to that question seemed like it should be obvious, but in Baz’s mind it was clear as smudged ink.

Regardless, Deliritous won’t accept the offer. Instead, he suggests they go find some Citiless. Maybe they’ll help him, though Baz points out they’re just as likely to murder them and rob them of all the Spoken Books they have.

Waste is a lie

So they will continue on. But how are they going to transport Deliritous? Well, leave it to Rox. He hacks up the dead horse with his razor and turns it into a sled they can put Deliritous on. Not the most pleasant of scenes here. You know those horse bones can’t be that clean, and Deliritous is also blistered with oozing sores. “The whole thing stank worse than Rox had after crawling out of the bog.”

And it’s not particularly comfortable, Deliritous whimpers over every bump, and Rox is despondent at his charge’s pain. Has to wipe his arm across his eyes several times. Baz puts together that Rox must feel like a big brother for Deliritous. Interesting that maybe Baz is coming around to Rox more than Deliritous, why do we think that is? Rox is, after all, the one who actually tore Tax’s eyes out. But he even recalls staring into his brother’s eyes once when he was sick without connecting the loss of those eyes back to Rox.


That’s how many Readers have died on the Trials in the past 50 years. And it seems Deliritous is preparing to become number 28. “I never really considered it a possibility it could happen to me. But I do now.” Even Baz can’t remain dispassionate in the face of such an admission, eyes burning. Could he really continue to hate this man? He’s just afraid, like any other person in his situation would be. But yet, he’s also brave, still pushing toward what now seems an impossible goal. Baz is glad when Deliritous passes out. At least he’s spared from the agony he’s suffered on Baz’s account for a little while.

Chapter 20

I can carry him.

And now, friends, I invite you to remove your reading glasses, put on your cardigans, and join me this week’s installment of D. T. Kane’s Epic Philosophy Book Club.

Right. So Rox and Baz carry on, dragging poor Deliritous along. Baz is trying to convince Rox that this isn’t working, but Rox isn’t having it: “It is a great Truth, giving your life for a promise. I am ready.”

Baz counters, “There’s no Truth in pursuing a hopeless path…. Anything has to be better than this.”

Rox, growing angry, responds, “We could do worse. We could give up. I will not…. I am no surgeon. I cannot heal him. But I can carry him to someone who may be able to help.”

OK. Who’s got the winning side of the debate here, do you think? Is dying for a promise noble? Or forget noble, is it the right thing to do? I think most of us can agree with the premise that keeping promises is a good thing. But to what point? If it will hurt someone to keep a promise, should you still keep it? What if it will hurt yourself? It’s tough to give exact answers to such general questions. But here, you’ve promised to keep someone safe and now they’re at the brink of death with seemingly no way out. Is sacrificing yourself worth it?

Well, I’m very thankful that I’ve never personally been in such a situation. But I think the key thing here is hope. I think if there was a 100% chance that Deliritous wasn’t going to make it, Rox, and most people in a similar position, wouldn’t sacrifice themselves. But the thing is, almost nothing is 100% certain. Death and taxes, right? And maybe Chuck Norris. Besides that, there’s always some chance. And the thing is, when you care deeply enough about a promise, even the smallest sliver of hope is worth keeping that promise. At least, that’s my theory. And that seems to be Rox’s too. Baz perhaps is more of a realist, but I’d love to ask Baz what he’d do if it was Tax on that sled instead of Deliritous. And who knows, maybe I will ask him that question in another book. *raises eyebrows*

Freedom to Choose

But Rox understands that Baz needn’t bind himself to Rox’s oath. Baz gets angry at that, since Rox insinuated the other night that he’d sworn an oath to Deliritous, but is now suggesting Baz break it after just lecturing him on the virtue on sticking to oaths. But Rox explains that he doesn’t really believe Baz swore a bind oath: “You must be free to swear an oath.”

Again, Baz initially takes offense, thinking Rox is saying Speakers can’t keep oaths. But what Rox means is a slave can’t be bound to an oath given to his master, because there’s no free choice there.

“They could die,” Baz replies.

A paradox, Rox says, one even Enigmans like him apparently can’t solve. It’s true, a man can always choose death. But is an oath sworn where the only alternative is death–the proverbial gun held to the head–a true promise? Rox doesn’t think so. Do you?

This is sort of the same question as before. Maybe modified slightly. Is your own personal truth worth dying for? I guess it likely depends on what you’re being asked to do, though I suppose we can assume that if someone’s holding a gun to your head, it’s something you would never consent to otherwise. Maybe that answers the question right there. I mean, there’s a reason “duress” is a defense to most crimes.

The even harder question is whether it’s actually the right choice to choose death instead of carrying out the coerced promise. You shoot her or I’ll shoot you. What’s the right choice there? I’d like to think I’d take the bullet, but man, I get nervous just thinking about it in the hypothetical.

Baz then modifies the facts a little: “What if it isn’t your own death that’s coercing you, but the loss of another? I’d never see Tax again if I ran.”

To me, this is almost an easier question. If the life of someone I care about is being threatened, there’s probably little I wouldn’t be willing to do to prevent it from happening. But again, tough, tough choices. Even Rox, who has proved to be our surprising moral compass on this journey doesn’t have an answer. But Rox does admit that he sees the injustice of Baz’s situation: Deliritous is better than most, but he still oppresses Baz. Man, Rox really is the best of the three–he cares for Deliritous despite knowing he’s deeply flawed.

OK, you can take your cardigan off now. Baz and Rox continue onward after that rousing debate and come to a blockage in the road. Rox dismounts to see what’s going on. There’s a bright flash! And when Baz’s vision clears, what does he see?

Another dragon.


Homework: We’ll read Chs 21 and 22. Baz’s last encounter with a dragon ended poorly. But we’ll see there’s something a bit different about this one. Then Baz makes a surprising deal. And lots of words get repeated. Repeated. What’s going on with that? Tune in next week to find out!

Listener Question:

Quest: What is the name of the dragon we met in the prologue?


“We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream.”

― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapter 18-Episode 14

D. T. Kane reads chapter 18 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get them into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now:



Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, now available!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09R18NZ5G/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1

Your preferred retailer: https://books2read.com/declaimersdiscovery

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Hellar Xavier: One of the competitors in the Acktus Trials

Trunnel: Hellar’s Influencer (Speaker)

Below are my notes/script for the episode, not a verbatim transcription:


Welcome back to D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is Saturday, April 16, 2022 as a record this, episode 14.

It’s release weekend for Declaimer’s Discovery and it’s been a success so far. The Acktus Trials has hit the top 20 of classic fantasy eBooks on Amazon and Declaimer’s Discovery is selling well too. If you’ve been waiting to grab an eBook copy of The Acktus Trials now is a good time because it’s currently only 99 cents!

My work also continues on new writing. After a down week getting everything ready for the Declaimer’s Discovery launch, I’m back into full writing mode now and plugging away at Part IV of the Spoken Books Uprising. Part III, Declaimer’s Flight, is also now officially with my editor and on track for its June 17 release date. It’s officially available for pre-order, so get your order in now if you’re eagerly awaiting the third installment of the story.

I had a nice birthday last weekend and thank you to all of those who wished me a happy birthday. I spent the day in Buffalo, NY with my parents, sister, her boyfriend, and Mrs. Kane. We went to the Botanical Gardens, which was lovely, then visited a couple breweries and then had a nice dinner. And I did get my new pair of running shoes! And they’re orange, which is awesome.


Careful what you wish for

We open with our trio traveling on through the Reach, a rather uneventful journey for them. Rox spends his nights creating a necklace from the teeth of the wyrm he killed, which forces Baz and Deliritous to talk to one another. And Deliritous really seems to be coming around to Baz, admitting that even if they don’t win, he’s going to start using Baz more than he was in the past. Deliritous seems to have overcome his fear of Baz, even if he is still a bit nervous around him.

This troubles Baz–he wonders if he can really trust himself if Deliritous starts putting all this trust in him. He hasn’t forgotten what Deliritous did to his brother. But just the fact that Baz is troubled by this and uncertain shows change, right? At the beginning of the story, Baz certainly wouldn’t have been troubled by the prospect of being in a position to carry out revenge on Deliritous.

Bog Bubbles

A few days pass and out travelers reach the Inkwell River. Baz had been hoping for a bath, but it seems “inkwell” is actually a pretty apt name for the water, as it’s brackish and discolored, certainly not something one wants to swim in.

The Firelands certainly don’t sound like a pleasant place.  “A boggy wasteland” and bubbles of gas that pop into gouts of flame. You have to stick to the road or worry about being sucked under to your death, and there’s a constant sound of swishing water, pulsing like a heartbeat. Baz even tells us a legend that the gas is caused by all the dead bodies beneath the bog left over from the Burning. It’s a decaying, dead place.

This area is definitely inspired by the Dead Marshes in The Lord of the Rings. I wish my prose was a tenth as good a Tolkien’s. Here’s a quick passage from Two Towers describing the Dead Marshes:

Dreary and wearisome. Cold, clammy winter still held sway in this forsaken country. The only green was the scum of livid weed on the dark greasy surfaces of the sullen waters. Dead grasses and rotting reeds loomed up in the mists like ragged shadows of long forgotten summers.

From <https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Marshes>

Man, what description. You can see the similarities, if not in the writing, at least in the image it’s portraying.

I knew there was a problem when I heard the roars

So they travel on through the Firelands. Not much problem initially, other than a gas bubble popping and covering them all in slime, which sends Baz into a laughing fit, and even Deliritous and Rox join in with him.

They reach a rock formation that Deliritous calls Torchsire Roost, apparently a famous landmark where his ancestor rested on his way to Tome to begin the Second Burning, which we previously learned was when he either destroyed or confiscated all the Books he could find to consolidate their power amongst the Readers of the three remaining cities of Oration.

Deliritous goes off to do some sightseeing and Baz tries to catch some z’s, but Baz, never the one to accept a good thing, worries that perhaps he’s being lulled into a false sense of security. Which actually turns out to be entirely accurate, because what does he find perched on the giant rock formation when he turns around? A BIG dragon. And not just a dragon, but a dragon with two men riding it–Hellar and Trunnel, his Influencer Speaker. So we see the great power of having an Influencer on the Trials now. No Harbour or Speaker is going to stand up to a dragon! Apparently they saw smoke from their fire and Hellar decided he needed to properly take Deliritous out of the Trials, or at least get back at him. An eye-for-an-eye so to speak. Hellar reveals that he believes Deliritous somehow Read a spell to Baz and that’s what killed his Harbour, so now he’s going to repay the favor by killing Baz.

But all the change we’ve seen in Deliritous comes to a head here. He isn’t just going to stand by and watch Baz get fried. Obviously Rox tries to stop him, but Deliritous isn’t having it. He has Rox help him onto his mount and gallops to try to save Baz, shouting out a spell for Baz to cast as he does so. It’s that spell he’s mentioned before, the one that sucks the oxygen from the air. Baz uses it and it’s semi successful, deflecting some of the dragon’s fiery breath, but it’s not nearly enough. But Deliritous reaches Baz just in time, shielding him from the blast. Except, that means Deliritous instead takes the brunt of it. Baz is knocked down and plays dead until the dragon flies away with Hellar and Trunnel still on its back.

Baz crawls over to Deliritous. He’s burned all over, his clothing melted into his skin. And his chest isn’t moving. Baz sort of goes into shock. Deliritous sacrificed himself for a Speaker?


Homework: Next week we’ll read chapters 19 and 20. Is Deliritous really dead? Rox hits us with some deep Enigman philosophy. And our heroes run into yet another obstacle. Man, it just gets better and better for them. Tune in next week! 

Listener Question:

Quest: What’s your favorite book 2 or sequel? Could be a book or a movie. Send your answers to dtkane@dtkane.com and I’ll share some of your answers next week. 


“People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within.”

― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader and the Imagination

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapters 16 & 17-Episode 13

D. T. Kane reads chapters 16 & 17 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now:



If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get them into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

PRE-ORDER Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, available April 15!

Preorder on Amazon: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=9ef761bc7f&e=35c8fe8c20

Preorder at your preferred retailer: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=1462da7a2d&e=35c8fe8c20

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Below is a copy of my script/notes for the episode, not a verbatim transcription:


Welcome back to D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is Thursday, April 7, 2022, as I record this, episode 13.

Busy busy over here. Declaimer’s Discovery comes out next week! Hard to believe, I still have so much more to do it for. Live of a self-published author! Have to update the front and back matter in the first book, get the preorder for the third book setup so I can put a link in the second book, finish formatting the second book. Ah! But it will get done.

On top of that, I’m plugging away at Part IV as well. Not going as fast as I want, but I knew that was going to happen with the book release and podcast taking away from some of my writing time. And I have to keep reminding myself that’s all right. I’ve only got so many hours in the day, and I have a day job too! Deep breaths.

Not a ton to report on the personal front this week, though this week is my birthday. Woo! Man, 35 years old, tough to believe. I’m looking forward to a fun weekend in Buffalo, meeting up with my parents, sister, and her boyfriend. And hoping for a new pair of running shoes that I can use for my half marathon next month. We’ll see!

If you’d like to give me some last minute help to make my release next week a success, consider leaving a review of Book 1 of the series, The Acktus Trials, which of course we’re reading here on the podcast together. Thank you!


CH 16

There’s a what down there with him?

So right off the bat our cliffhanger from last week is answered. Rox has fallen into a pit with a wyrm! A big one, according to Baz. Luckily, Rox didn’t fall on top of it, and it’s asleep, so there’s a chance to rescue him.

Initially, Deliritous doesn’t actually believe Baz there’s wyrm down there with Rox, looking skeptical. And Baz actually understands. Deliritous is vulnerable without Rox and his injury, and he’s worried for ten years that Baz will seek revenge on him. Baz even admits a few weeks ago, he’d have relished this situation. But now it doesn’t seem to appealing to him. Baz is changing!

So is Deliritous, apparently, since he ultimately decides to trust Baz, basically leaves it up to Baz to figure out how to get Rox out.

An Iridescent Halo

So what does this thing look like? Well, not the most creative monster you’ve ever read about, I’m sure. It’s basically just a giant snake, right? A long length of body with green scales, no limbs, sharp teeth, yellow eyes. It does have this odd glow to it, though. Almost as if the shadows themselves were afraid to get too near it. Hold that thought, it will be important in a minute.

So Baz assesses the situation and realizes he’s not going to be able to use spells to get them out of this. The wyrm breaths fire, so fire spells won’t work. And Baz isn’t great with the other spells Deliritous brought, so the wyrm would just eat Rox while Baz was trying to figure them out. I really like this. I’ve mentioned before, magic is generally more interesting for what it can’t do, than what it can. Blasting yourself out of a tight spot with fireballs might be exciting once or twice, but it gets boring fast. But figuring out how to save yourself without magic? That takes you on twists you might not have expected.

And how many of you expected this? Baz runs back to Deliritous and asks for the “metal hook thingy”–really a grappling hook. Any of you catch that we saw this getting loaded onto the horses back in chapter 8 and Baz wondered what use it could possibly have? Tricky tricky foreshadowing! And what’s the plan? Not to have Rox climb out, there’s no trees close enough to hold his weight, and he’d likely wake the wyrm besides. No, the plan is to give Rox the hook so he can retrieve his razor. Meanwhile, Baz is going to trust Rox to get his weapon while Baz distracts the wyrm. Woah! Baz still might now admit it to himself, but man, times they are a changin’! No way he would have trusted Rox at the beginning of the book.

Words of Import

So Baz throws a rock at the wyrm, draws its attention. The thing rises up, proving to be even larger than Baz thought: ten horses, nose to tail. That’s like 80 feet. I Googled it 🙂 Then the wyrm begins to Speak. Uh, who saw that coming? Well, maybe some of you. The dragon back in the prologue could talk, right? So maybe it’s not so incredible that this wyrm can too. Though it’s not speaking common tongue, but the language of Destruction. Interesting, Baz does get some sense of what it means. “Telling him to be gone, to leave its home.”

Idea from Tax that words are important even if they’re not fully understood. Welcome to D. T. Kane’s Epic Philosophy Book Club! What do you think? Is this sentiment true? I mean, in the context of the book, it seems there’s some truth to this. After all, Baz at least hinted earlier that Tax continued Baz’s education by having him listen to all the Retirees’ songs, and Baz seems to have learned something, even if he didn’t fully grasp it at the time.

What about real life? Well, let me pose this question: Ever read a book, then return to it years later and find all these new meanings you totally missed the first time? Well, does that mean it didn’t have any value the first time you read it? I don’t think so. We’re all constantly changing, and sometimes books and the meanings behind them can change for us too in different chapters of our lives. Should we simply not read something because we can’t fully understand it? I don’t think so. How would we ever learn anything?

OK, philosophy lesson over. So, I hope you think I did a decent job of building some tension here. But obviously, Baz doesn’t die. The wyrm almost breathes fire on him, but Rox gets his razor first and chops the wyrm up. Phew!

Chapter 17

Good Eats

OK, so we go from the Epic Philosophy Book Club to Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. Rox cuts off the wyrm’s head and brings it with him and cooks it for dinner! Man! They’re a delicacy in Enigma, he says. Remember, that’s where he’s from. So initially, this seems like just the typical big brute eating a MAN’S MEAL. But come on guys, you ought to know by now I’m a little deeper than that. (Well, mostly. I did joke about throwing a rock at Rox last chapter!)

We learn that Enigmans actually sort of worship wyrms. Rox tells this quick story that all of them descend from a single mother, the All Truth. While all things are made of the five elements, the All Truth had no shadow in her, which is the element of conceit and uncertainty, says Rox. And we already know Enigmans place a high value on truth, so you can see the appeal of such a creature. Deliritous goes so far as to say that the Enigmans don’t really worship the Scribes. Their religion is Truth.

Isn’t Rox eating his god? Sure, but what else can you do when your gods are constantly trying to kill you? You fight back. And if you kill something it must be put to use. Death for no reason is a Lie! Rox, love it or hate it, he has his code and sticks to it.

Also, an interesting bit about the magic system here, that all living things are made up of the five elements. Don’t think that was explicitly stated before this point, but just a nice tidbit explaining the five elements a bit more.

A relatively ordinary man

Another significant thing that happens here: Baz sees Rox without his mask on for the first time while he’s eat and is struck by how ordinary he looks. If you didn’t notice how big he was, you’d think him just a normal man of thirty. Well, perhaps slightly more grizzled than average.

And the changes continue. We see Rox actually call Deliritous to task for failing to recognize that Baz saved him. He “deserves gratitude.” Baz can’t believe Rox thanked him, but are we really so surprised? Rox has been showing us for many chapters now he’s not just a dumb brute. In some ways, he’s the most moral of our characters. Baz is just in denial because of his brother.

Still, Rox isn’t all rainbows. While they’re talking about Rox’s obsession with Truth, Deliritous notes how there’s no bigger lie than breaking an oath. Or, Rox adds, “permitting another to go back on an oath.” A veiled threat here, just to remind Baz that Rox is keeping an eye on him. His moral code is both good and bad for Baz.

It’s more like they’re trying to keep people away

They briefly discuss the Citiless again in this chapter, because Deliritous confirms for us that the pit was likely a Citiless trap, though he says the Citiless do it so they can pillage valuables off the corpses after the wyrms kill them. Baz points out, though, that out in the wilds, most valuables like aren’t of much use. More like, they’re trying to keep people away from Tome.

Baz recalls that the Citiless who was captured back in Chapter 5 went on about learning to Read at Tome. Baz muses whether there might actually be something at Tome they’re trying to keep them from. Deliritous brushes this off, he thinks they’re just uncivilized heathens. Notice, though, how he evades Baz’s question about what a Declaimer is? “Mindless fiction.” Hmm, what’s going on here? Stay tuned!

No Stop Rune Required

Finally, we get to the end of the chapter, and Deliritous shocks Baz by doing what? He lets him memorize a spell. Just a simple one, to start a small fire. But what a huge step from even just a few chapters ago where Deliritous made Baz stand on the other side of the clearing before Reading to him. Also, a nice bit of parallelism here, the first spell Deliritous trusts Baz with is also the first spell Tax taught Baz. Coming full circle here. Now, is Baz going to grow to trust Deliritous as much as he does his own brother? Well, that seems unlikely. But certainly mountains are moving, if slowly.


Homework: Next week we’ll read Chapter 18. We head into the Firelands! Our merry band will face another challenge, and Deliritous shows us just how much he’s changed from that entitled young man we saw at the beginning of the novel.

Listener Question:

Quest: Share your favorite fantasy quote with me and I’ll feature it in a future episode.

Quote: When you don’t know what to do, do what’s right and do what’s in front of you. But not necessarily what’s right in front of you.

-Brent Weeks, The Black Prism

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapters 14 & 15-Episode 12

D. T. Kane reads chapters 14 & 15 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get it into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now: https://dtkane.com/books/the-acktus-trials/

PRE-ORDER Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, available April 15!

Preorder on Amazon: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=9ef761bc7f&e=35c8fe8c20

Preorder at your preferred retailer: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=1462da7a2d&e=35c8fe8c20

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character
Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)
Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Below is a copy of my script/notes for the episode, not a verbatim transcription.


Welcome to another episode of D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is Sunday, April 3, 2022 as I record this.

Drafting of Part 4 of the Spoken Books Uprising is in full swing.  I’m currently 26,000 words into my first draft and picking up steam! It’s amazing to see how the characters have grown and changed and I can’t wait to keep sharing their journey with all of you!

I’ve also been continuing my half marathon training. Been tough the past few weeks with poor weather and obligations on the weekends, haven’t gotten in as many long runs as I’d like. But I did get a 7.5 miler in yesterday. That’s about 12K for my non US listeners. Not sure I’m going to be in good enough shape to hit my goal of 2:10, but I do need to keep in perspective how incredible it is that I’m even at the point I’m at, talking about a time goal for a half marathon. A few years ago I couldn’t even run down the driveway. That’s one reason I like running, it’s sort of like an analogy for my writing. Slow, steady work over a long period and you’ll see improvement. That’s how running works and also writing—if you think about writing the whole book or whole series, you’ll be crushed under the overwhelmingness of it. But just focus on the one run or one writing session, then repeat day after day.

Finally, we’re less than two weeks away from the release of Declaimer’s Discovery, Part II of the Spoken Books Uprising! If you’d like to help me out, please take a minute and leave a review of Part I, The Acktus Trials. If you’ve been keeping up with the podcast, I think you’re qualified to leave a review. Part I is the gateway that will get readers into Part II and beyond, so having the social proof of reviews on Part I is really important to convince readers to start reading and discovery the world of Oration. Thank you!



Reality is behind an opaque window

So we pick up pretty much right where we left off last week. Baz, Deliritous, and Rox have camped just outside Hamlet. Baz laments not having a roof over his head, but after learning that Marla was offering a reward to anyone who would give info about Baz’s whereabouts, he can’t stay in town. Also, this ruins their plan: They can’t stay in town if there’s a chance one of the townsfolk reveals to Marla that Deliritous has dark, shaved hair, and his “speaker” has long blond hair.

Baz also has to point out to Deliritous that Erstwhile frequently sends scouts to Hamlet, so they’d likely hear about the description of Deliritous’s Speaker too and put together that Deliritous hadn’t actually gone to Tome. So their plan of leaving Deliritous in Hamlet has gone out the window.

What to do now? 

I suppose this means our deal is off.

Deliritous tries to break off their deal, figuring they’ll need to go back to Erstwhile now. But Baz can’t let that happen, so he continues his manipulation of Deliritous–you’ve dreamed of this for as long as I’ve known you, stop crying about it! “Scolded by my own Speaker… You’d make my father proud.” Baz also got some painkillers from the shopkeeper, so Deliritous has those to help him keep going. And Baz points out that he’ll make Deliritous’s life exceedingly difficult if he tries to back out to the deal—“you need me to do your leg work for you.”

So Baz convinces Deliritous that he should go on, and they exchange cloaks again, Baz getting Leanna’s gift back. He keeps the hat, though, to Deliritous’s frustration. “I rather like it.” “Insolent page burner.”

Behind the curtain: I originally was going to leave Deliritous behind, but by the time I got to this point of the draft decided I didn’t want to spoil the dynamic between him and Baz and figured out a way to keep them together.

Little Del

So they begin to go over Deliritous’s plans for getting them to Tome. First, they decide to go the shorter, but more dangerous way, because that’s the way Hellar went and he no longer has a Harbour. Plus, it’s shorter and with Deliritous’s leg, they want to save as much travel as they can.

There’s then this light-hearted moment where all three of them are basically insulting how one another smell and they all laugh together, even Rox. Their relationship with one another is changing! We even learn that Rox has a pet name for Deliritous, “Little Del,” and he’s upset about failing his oath by letting Marla and Hellar successfully attack them. But Deliritous won’t have Rox feeling sorry for himself.

The plan:

  1. The Reach: wyrm country, but wyrms generally keep to themselves. If encounter, deal with fire and water spells. Wyrms breath fire and eat charred wood–nod to Patrick Rothfuss here and his “draccus” creatures.
  2. Firelands: dragons live here, “Fire Breathers.” Deliritous has brought camouflage for them to use, and also reveals that most dragons these days are small enough that Rox could fight them. Also has a spell that heats the air until it turns to water, which they can try and use to keep the dragon from breathing fire. How does this work? Well, basically it’s a spell that creates condensation, removing oxygen from the air to produce water. And if there’s no oxygen in the air, can’t have fire. Would this actually work? I’m not sure, but it sounds cool.
  3. Weeping Plains–Avoid the Citiless
  4. Your plan depends a lot on not encountering things that are dangerous.


Plans never survive contact with the enemy

Baz has a bad feeling about this. He’s not used to things going right, listing off a litany of things that have gone wrong in his life. And once again he proves to be right. After a few hours of travel, they find the road blocked by felled trees, likely by Citiless that don’t want them coming to Tome.

The only way to continue on is to go off roading, into the trees. They follow a path they find there, until an odd assortment of sticks draws their attention. Rox goes to investigate, but falls into a hidden pit. Baz goes to investigate, rushes back to Deliritous. “We have a problem.” What could it be!?

I noticed an error on my part at the end of Chapter 15. When Deliritous is frantic over Rox, he calls Baz “Baz” several times. That’s a mistake, as I intentionally avoid having anyone but Tax call him Baz. I’ll have to fix that in a future edition. Life of an independent author!


Homework: Next week we’ll read chapters 16 and 17. Baz does something unexpected to get Rox out of a predicament, we learn some things about Rox, and Deliritous does an about face. Looking forward to discussing this and more with you next week!

Listener Question:


Last week: My inspiration for Rox? Practical Frost from Abercrombie’s First Law Trilogy and Snorri ver Snagason from Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence.

Share your favorite book reading experience with me!


“Survival is the ability to swim in strange water.”

― Frank Herbert, Dune

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapter 13-Episode 11

D. T. Kane reads chapter 13 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get it into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now: https://dtkane.com/books/the-acktus-trials/

PRE-ORDER Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, available April 15!

Preorder on Amazon: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=9ef761bc7f&e=35c8fe8c20

Preorder at your preferred retailer: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=1462da7a2d&e=35c8fe8c20

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Below are my notes/script for the episode, not a verbatim transcription.


Welcome back to D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club. Today is March 23, 2022 as I record this, Episode 11.

On the personal side of things, not too much to report. I appreciate the kind words from those of you who reached out about my home repair woes. They’ve finally dried everything out, and my wife and I were able to actually sleep in our bedroom again for the first time in over a week, so that was a relief. Air mattresses are not a recipe for good sleep! And actually, this turned out to be a bit of a blessing, because when they removed one wall, the contractors discovered an exhaust pipe for our furnace wasn’t properly sealed, which could have led to gas leaks, so really glad that was caught! Now we’re just waiting for the walls to get put back up, which I’m sure will be another fun around of contractors coming in and out.

On the writing front, Declaimer’s Discovery is now in the hands of my advance readers. Thanks to all of those who joined my team. And if anyone listening is interested in joining, let me know, as I have a few slots open still. Basically, you get all my books for free before they release, and in exchange you just have to read them before the release date and post a review once they come out. Email me with your interest, dtkane@dtkane.com.

Declaimer’s Discovery, Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, releases April 15, 2022.


The Plan–In the Interest of Keeping Deliritous Safe

So we left off last week with Baz offering to complete the Trials for Deliritous, who has a broken leg. Incidentally, did any of you catch that Baz quipped about Deliritous breaking his leg back in chapter 7? Just a bit of innocent foreshadowing there!

Why is Baz willing to make such a deal after being so down on having to come on this journey at all? Well, obviously he wants something in exchange, and that’s for Deliritous to keep secret that Baz can Read. And as Baz says, as much as Deliritous is horrified by Baz’s ability, Baz has hit on the one thing that frightens Deliritous more than a Cuss: letting his father down. Baz actually says he feels a bit bad about capitalizing on that. “Grungy” is the term he uses. Baz, after all, has a family member he wouldn’t want to let down in his brother, and certainly Baz wouldn’t like someone taking advantage of that. Interesting how Baz and Deliritous are sort of serving as foils to one another even though they’re in such different positions.

So, what are the features of the plan? Well, there’s a few interesting ones.

  1. Baz gets to use Rox. Interesting point here, that Deliritous has the right to “transfer” Rox’s oath. Sort of a reminder that Rox is kind of property too, even though we haven’t necessarily thought of him as such to this point. Interesting too that Rox says he “dislikes the idea of leaving [Deliritous’s] side.” Maybe an indication that Rox views his responsibility for Deliritous as more than just a simple duty.
  2. They need to find a safe location to leave Deliritous while Baz goes off to complete the Trials. We see from how much of a hard time Deliritous has riding that he can’t go on. There’s a town nearby and the plan is to leave him there. But remember, no one can know Deliritous isn’t the one completing the Trials. Imagine the shame if it came out a Speaker completed the Trials for him! So  how are they going to handle that?
  3. Well, Baz and Deliritous will switch places! This is a funny sequence, I think, where both Baz and Deliritous are lamenting having to pretend to be the other. More evidence of how they foil one another, we get Baz thinking it will be simple to impersonate Deliritous, then Deliritous says aloud how it won’t be hard to imitate Baz.
    • Baz: just act clueless and treat everyone he met as if they were below him
    • Deliritous: Just need to glower at everything and act as if I know more than I ought to.
  4. But Deliritous doesn’t have a brand. Interesting, Deliritous notes this “progressive” movement in the city of Fortune, where some Readers are no longer branding their Speakers. So, maybe not all Readers treat their Speakers as poorly as they do in Erstwhile? That’ll be more relevant in the next book, but file that away. For now, Baz notes that the people in Hamlet are going to know a Speaker ought to be branded because Erstwhile sends Speakers and Readers there every year to serve the townsfolk. So what does he do? He convinces Rox it’s in Deliritous’s best interest to have a wound on his head where his brand conceivably could have been.
  5. Hole in Baz’s plan–he’ll have to give up his only leverage to enforce the promise: The Book he finds at Tome. But one problem at a time. As Baz notes, “an unlikely number of things would need to go right before Baz needed to expend any energy at all worrying over that.”

Hamlet: I’m looking for a hat, good shopkeeper.

So we arrive in Hamlet, Deliritous pouting since Baz convinced Rox to slice up his forehead. It’s a bit of a dump, right? Dilapidated buildings with a few muddy paths for streets. Sounds like it was a bustling hub once, back when Tome was still the country’s capital. But no longer.

Baz stops at a shop and Rox goes in with him (remember, they’re pretending Baz is a Reader, so he’s got to have his Harbour with him). The shopkeeper, though, isn’t nearly as impressed with Baz as Baz figured, and Baz feels like a fool, expecting special treatment for acting like a Reader. “Fair shopkeeper, it is I, Deliritous Torchsire, Reader of Erstwhile, come to grace your shop with my presence.” We learn the shopkeeper had recently been swindled by another Reader, so he’s a bit salty.

And now, the big reveal that I promised last week! What is it? The hat! Finally, we see why I’m wearing the hat. Baz is getting himself one, because he needs to conceal the brand on his forehead, plus he’s always wanted one and he’s taking advantage of the situation. And the shopkeeper does have one: “It was dark brown leather, creased and well-worn with a wide brim.” Here it is!

The shopkeeper tries to rip Baz off, seeing how eager he is. Rox catches him in the lie (Baz doesn’t have much of a concept of money), but Baz tells Rox to give the shopkeeper the sum he asked for anyway, recompence for his previous treatment. Interestingly, Rox agrees. He sees truth in what Baz is doing–it matches up with Rox’s code.

And this act of kindness turns out to be helpful, right? The shopkeeper wasn’t going to say anything, but after Baz gives him the extra coin, he reveals that Marla and Hellar were in the shop, asking around about a lost Torchsire Speaker. The shopkeeper gives a skeptical glance outside, where Deliritous is waiting, supposedly a Speaker. Marla has also told the shopkeeper that she’ll be back in a month, asking again for information. And she was offering good coin for information.

Baz briefly considers whether they need to kill the shopkeeper to keep him quiet. But notice how Rox actually dissuades him from doing so. Again, we see that Rox may actually me the most moral of our trio of main characters here! So instead, Baz asks the shopkeeper how much Marla was offering for the information. Obviously, he’s going to try to outbid her. But does anyone see the issue here? The impact on their plan? Well, tune in next week to find out!


Deliritous’s regret over Tax

Stories of men going mad from using shadow spells. Is that what the voices were, going mad? Baz had, after all, agreed to help Deliritous!


Homework: We’ll read Chapters 14 and 15 next week. Plans will change, relationships will grow! And then our characters run into yet another problem. What could it be?

Listener Question:

Quest: Any thoughts on what my inspiration for Rox was? He’s a bit of a blend of characters from relatively well-known fantasy works. Send me your thoughts and we’ll discuss them next week.

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapters 11-12-Episode 10

D. T. Kane reads chapters 11-12 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get it into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support!  Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now: https://dtkane.com/books/the-acktus-trials/

PRE-ORDER Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, available April 15!

Preorder on Amazon: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=9ef761bc7f&e=35c8fe8c20

Preorder at your preferred retailer: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=1462da7a2d&e=35c8fe8c20

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character

Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)

Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Hellar Xavier: Reader, heir to Xavier Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials

Trunnel: Hellar’s Speaker, an Influencer

Arrow: Hellar’s Harbour

Marla Kolnar: Nice of the Duchess of Kolnar Library,  one of the competitors going on the Trials

Ryle: Marla’s Harbour

Retch: Marla’s Speaker, a Creator

Below is a copy of my notes/script for the episode, not a verbatim transcription.


March 19, 2022 as I record this, Episode 10.

Well, those of you who read the newsletter saw I had a bit of a tough week. Came home from vacation last week to some water damage in my house and have been dealing with the repairs all week. Fun times.

Thankfully, I’ve still got my writing! I started work on Part IV of the Spoken Books Uprising, wrote my first 7,500 words on that, though now I’ve had to backburner that just for a few days because I got my editor’s edits on Part II back and I need to get that finalized so I can send copies to my advance readers.

Remember, Part II is out April 15 and you can preorder your copy now! Link in the show notes.


Alright! I hope you enjoyed listening to these two chapters as much as I enjoyed writing them. Lots of tension here!

Mutters in the Night

So we start with Deliritous insisting that Rox get some sleep rather than keeping watch. Rox is obviously wary of Marla in particular, but finally relents. He’s been keeping watch every night, so he must be exhausted. Baz notes how it worries him, seeing Rox tired.

He’d always thought of Rox more like a massive tool rather than breathing flesh and blood. It was much easier to disdain a tool than it was a person.

I think this is a bit of theme throughout the novel too–It’s tough to go on hating someone when you’ve spent time with them under difficult circumstances.

But I don’t think it comes as too much as a surprise to any of you that having Deliritous keep the watch instead of Rox doesn’t really work out. Baz wakes to “muttering in the darkness,” and as he notes, while that might not be cause for alarm for an ordinary person, when you worried about Readers wishing you harm, it’s the last thing you want to hear.

 So Marla and Hellar have obviously been plotting behind Deliritous’s back because this attack was coordinated. It’s unclear whether Hellar and Marla had planned this all along, or Hellar did initially intend to see if a truce with Deliritous could work out and then diverted after the scene with Marla and Baz at the end of chapter 10. I never make that entirely clear, and I’m not sure it really matters, though I think it’s obvious based on how they were conversing together and giving each other cryptic looks that they had something going between them.

So, to set the scene, Marla is reading this spell to her Creator that results in roots shooting out of the ground to imprison Rox, and Hellar uses his Influencer to lull Deliritous into a stupor so he can’t raise the alarm. It’s dark, the fire having burned low. Baz is laying down, apparently not in direct proximity of Deliritous or Rox, which makes sense since he doesn’t like either of them.

But we do see Marla’s and Hellar’s hubris is a bit of their undoing here. They left Baz unaccounted for because neither wanted to be without their Harbour while they were Reading to their Speakers. Baz ruefully comments on this:

Even now, out in the wilds and in the midst of turning on one of their fellow Readers, they couldn’t trust their Speakers long enough to ensure a loose end like Baz didn’t interfere with their plans.

So a potential weakness here that Baz is able to exploit, and maybe one to keep in mind for the future as well. Hellar and Marla assume Baz is essentially useless if Deliritous isn’t able to Read spells to him, and it costs them, as we’re about to see.

Oh, hello there, chaps.

So Baz shouts a warning to Rox, but it’s too late, Rox is caught by the roots, though he does manage to injure Trunnel, Hellar’s Influencer, before being confined. And we see that perhaps the relationship between Hellar and Marla isn’t a smooth one either. Hellar demands that Marla heal his Speaker, but it seems like she’s going to refuse until she notices that Hellar’s Harbour has a clear shot at her with his bow. Marla’s in it to win it, so to speak. She could have potentially greatly handicapped both of her opponents here, and it certainly raises questions about whether Hellar is wise to be trusting her. What do you guys think is going to happen between the two of them? Let me know, dtkane@dtkane.com!

During the confusion of Rox injuring Trunnel and nearly escaping the roots, Baz runs and hides behind a tree, so now he’s watching the scene from afar. Interesting that he doesn’t run away completely, right? I mean, he comes up with pretty good reasoning–there’s no way he could survive in the wilds alone, he’d never see his brother again. Baz says he’s not a very good runner, though of course he doesn’t say it quite like that:

He had few talents, and none of them involved running farther than the distance from his sleeping pallet to the privy back in Torchsire Library.

But still, you get the sense there’s something more. Hold that thought.

At this point, Deliritous wakes up from the spell Hellar had put him under. Despite the savvy he showed earlier, we still see his innocence, or maybe you’d say naivety, here. He initially doesn’t think anything’s amiss: “Oh, hello there, chaps.” Of course, he’s quickly debased of that when Marla’s Harbour grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the ground.

And then Deliritous realizes Baz isn’t there and starts shouting for him. Almost like he’s concerned, fearing that Marla’s killed Baz. Baz actually feels bad listening to him.

And we really see that all our fears about Marla were totally warranted. She’s here just kind of toying with Deliritous, telling him how they didn’t see him as a threat, they just wanted to eliminate Rox from the competition. “Don’t be daft, deary.”

You spineless Book burner!

Then things for from bad to worse. Marla asks Hellar to have his Harbour kill Rox, which Hellar does. Deliritous frantically tries to bargain, saying he’ll just forfeit the Trials. And that shows his regard for Rox, right? We saw how important it is for him to do well in the Trials, with all the pressure his father’s putting on him and his resistance to his uncle’s suggestion that he just sort of hide and keep himself alive. But Marla declines he entreaties, reasoning she doesn’t want the risk of Rox being around even after the get back from the Trials.

So then Deliritous gets angry, cursing at Marla. He says something about her mother… and that proves to be a mistake. She stomps down on his leg and breaks it.

And now Baz has his moment. Probably the most pivotal moment in the whole book. Remember, I told you Baz was going to make a big decision last week. Here it is.

But Baz was surprised to find another emotion mixed with the fear. Anger. Anger at Marla’s casual cruelty, at Hellar’s detached indifference. And most of all, anger at how ill-equipped Deliritous was to deal with them. Not because he was entirely inept, though he’d plenty ineptitude in him. But because he lacked the deplorable characteristics of Marla and Hellar—he wasn’t despicable enough to concoct a plan like what Marla and Hellar had hatched, nor hard enough to carry it out with the apathy Hellar demonstrated. He was still the ink-spilling bastard who had ruined Tax’s life, but…

Baz’s innate sense of right shines through again! He decides to try and save Deliritous. And how is he going to do it? Well, I’m sure most of you saw this coming–he’s going to Read! He does remember, back from when his brother taught him.

At least, that’s partially it. Baz tells us he hadn’t tried to Read in 10 years, yet he’s still able to Read this very complex spell. He gives two explanations for this: (1) even if Deliritous doesn’t utilize him often, he’s still Spoken thousands of spells, so it’s not as if he hasn’t at least had practice repeating Words Deliritous Read to him; and (2) this is the far more interesting one, I think–Tax’s songs. Baz suggests that they’ve had some innate effect on him, they’ve helped him learn by listening to them over and over. Baz doesn’t say anything definitive here, but it seems perhaps there’s more to Tax’s songs than just passing the time.


So Baz sneaks back into the camp, grabs a Book from Deliritous’s Bookpack… and he nearly drops it. Why? Because it’s that crazy Book of shadow spells Baz had scolded Deliritous for even picking up back in the Reading room. Now, we haven’t gotten too much into the five magical elements yet, but we do know there’s fire, earth, water, light, and shadow. And apparently shadow, as Baz tells us, isn’t very well understood and dangerous even to adept Readers.

And we see a couple things suggesting that belief is right. First, as Baz nears completion of the spell, he starts hearing voices in his head, right? Terrible voices, imploring him to do awful things. You know that’s going to become relevant later, but there’s no time for Baz to dwell on it now.

Second, we see just how vicious the spell ends up being. It vaporizes Hellar’s Harbour.

And I guess there’s a third justification for shadow being little understood. When Deliritous makes up the story that it was a dragon, even though he saw it was Baz who Read the spell, Marla and Hellar don’t think to disbelieve him. That suggests whatever the spell was that Baz cast, it’s not one seen often, so Baz alleging it came from a dragon was plausible. And see, they call it a Shadow Breather? We heard reference to Fire Breathers earlier, so there are at least two types of different dragons. Perhaps there are more?

So Marla and Hellar run, leaving Deliritous with a broken leg and Rox trapped. Likely, they think they’re leaving him to die. Baz waits until he’s certain they’re gone, then goes to Deliritous. And what does he do?

He yells for Baz to stay away from him!

A cow chewing cud

Baz is initially incredulous–he just saved Deliritous and this is how he treats him? He actually hits Deliritous when he keeps going on about how Baz will have to be blinded now like his brother. But an interesting reversal of roles here, and it makes Baz sick.

Baz threatens to his Deliritous a second time and he cowers away. And what does he say? “I never hit you?”

Wow, I don’t know about you, but that’s powerful to me. Baz realizes that the instant he was given power like the Readers, he began using it to abuse Deliritous.

Gain an ounce of power and look what his first inclination had been–treat Deliritous just like most Readers treated their Speakers.

An interesting and I guess startling idea here–it’s not always easy to do the right thing when you’re the one in a superior position. Baz perhaps grasps in this moment that having power isn’t all it’s cracked up to be with the temptations it presents. That’s another theme we’ll see returned to again and again throughout the series. Power isn’t necessarily a good thing.

Baz realizes once he cools down that maybe his brother is right about Deliritous. He’s just a product of his environment, and you can’t entirely blame him for that. Baz notes that a lot of slaves in his position would just run, maybe even cut Deliritous’s throat. But doing that would be like “killing a cow for chewing cud. It’s just what they do.”

Baz also realizes that his only chance now of ever seeing his brother again is to work with Deliritous. He can’t go back to Erstwhile if he runs away–he needs Deliritous to get back. And so Baz comes up with a plan. What if he travels to Tome and finishes the Trials for Deliritous?

Duh duh duh! Oh, man! Ending on a cliffhanger this week.

Just a couple quick other things:

  • When Deliritous is resisting admitting that Baz actually helped him out, Rox chimes in: “Truuuth.” Rox understands. They’d be dead without Baz.
  • Deliritous notes he has nightmares about Tax. He does feel bad, even if Baz doesn’t want to hear it.


Homework: We’ll read Chapter 13 next week. Baz and Deliritous flesh out their plan. And we get to a town. And here in this town is a big moment. A reveal of epic proportions, very relevant to the podcast, particularly those who watch on YouTube. You can’t really miss it, but keep an eye out and jump out of your seat when it comes!

Listener Question:

Quest: Any thoughts on why shadow is dangerous? There has been a subtle hint somewhere in the Book. 3XP


“Bran thought about it. ‘Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?’

‘That is the only time a man can be brave,’ his father told him.”

― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapter 10-Episode 9

D. T. Kane reads chapter 10 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


YouTube: https://youtu.be/-fCtZqQhv7I

If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get it into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support! Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now: https://dtkane.com/books/the-acktus-trials/

PRE-ORDER Part II of The Spoken Books Uprising, Declaimer’s Discovery, available April 15!

Preorder on Amazon: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=9ef761bc7f&e=35c8fe8c20

Preorder at your preferred retailer: https://dtkane.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=749c5d9250a6b58e1deb27545&id=1462da7a2d&e=35c8fe8c20

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:

Baztian (Baz): Our main character
Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)
Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library

Hellar Xavier: Reader, heir to Xavier Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials
Trunnel: Hellar’s Speaker, an Influencer
Arrow: Hellar’s Harbour

Marla Kolnar: Nice of the Duchess of Kolnar Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials
Ryle: Marla’s Harbour
Retch: Marla’s Speaker, a Creator

Below are my notes/script for the episode, not an exact transcription.


Welcome to Episode 9. It’s Thursday, March 10, 2022 as I record this.

It’s good to be back! I know you all had an episode to listen to last week, but I haven’t sat down to record in a couple weeks, and it feels great to be back talking with all of you.

Chicago was a blast, amazing food and drink, probably too much of both. But that’s what vacation’s for! A few highlights were Goose Island Brewery’s Tap Room and Aba Mediterranean restaurant. Rare varieties of Goose Island’s famed barrel-aged Bourbon County Stout, and lamb ragu hummus! Yum-o! And I even got some outlining in for Part IV of the Spoken Books Uprising.

Declaimer’s Discovery, Part II of the Spoken Books Uprising, had its cover release this past Friday, and man, it’s a thing of beauty I must say. It’s available for pre-order now and releases April 15. If you think you’re going to read it, consider pre-ordering. Pre-orders help give me a boost in the charts on launch day, which helps my ranking and thus visibility. Thank you! Link in the show notes.


Three primary scenes, plus a glum intro from Baz. And I think I recognized last week (or maybe it was two episodes ago) that it’s not lost on me that I’m sometimes essentially praising my own writing here on the show. Well, here’s the opposite. I don’t really love this chapter. It wasn’t in the original draft of the book, I just had a placeholder, something like “travel scene with other Readers.”

I wanted my readers to have an opportunity to meet the other competitors in more detail then the brief glances we got at the torture of the Citiless. And I suppose I did that here,  but I find it a bit slow and looking back I probably could have done a better job with this one. But that’s the writing life–there’s always something you could have done better, but eventually you have to release the story into the wild and move on. There’s also a saying that if you don’t look back on something you wrote a year or two ago and cringe, you’re probably doing something wrong, because it indicates you aren’t improving your writing. So I’ll take this as a positive sign of improvement and carry on!

Baz is really down

Baz already morose, thinking that he’s traveling the same road that dead Citiless had traveled on. And we also see just how jaded he is about life. Sometimes he wishes he had fond childhood memories, but he tells us he’s actually glad of the awful experience he had so young (seeing Tax blinded). “It had taught him the reality of his existence, the uselessness of resisting his circumstances.” Wow. Baz has gone from bad to worse with his view of things. But part of us wonders too if put in the right situation whether Baz truly feels this way? I mean, he didn’t stand there all apathetic when Deliritous was about to die, and he certainly isn’t afraid to stand up to Deliritous it seems.

Did Deliritous just do something… useful?

Deliritous actually shows us some cojones. He sees Hellar and Marla conversing and sort of just butts in, right? He’s not going to let the other two competitors gang up on him. He’s realistic, noting he understands that neither Xavier nor Kolnar would be interested in a true alliance with Torchsire, but he’s also smart, offering political advantage to Hellar by offering him Torchsire’s backing at the Table of Ennea to help them fend off the rise in influence of Exgahl Library, which remember we learned last chapter is the second most powerful Library in Erstwhile after having found that powerful Spoken Book for growing food a few Trials back.

He even has the guts to lie, saying his father will recognize any promises he makes, even though Baz is pretty certain that Duke Octavinal told Deliritous no such thing.

And there seems to be an interesting dynamic between Marla and Hellar too. She doesn’t seem to show him enough respect, but she also stops talking when he interrupts or motions for her to be silent. It seems maybe the two of them had some sort of deal already worked out, and now perhaps Deliritous is jeopardizing it for Marla? We already know she isn’t someone you want to mess with, so maybe gaining a tenuous alliance with Hellar isn’t all it’s cracked up to be if it means Marla wanting to get back at Deliritous.

Did you notice how Deliritous slipped a term into his truce that they aren’t to harm one another’s Harbours or Speakers–“nothing onerous…not try to murder one another’s Speakers and Harbours like a bunch of animals.” Is Deliritous just protecting his assets or does he have a bit of a heart hidden beneath his foolish, giant hat?

Bitter as boot black

In fact, we see almost immediately that we shouldn’t be putting much stock in this alliance with Hellar. First, we have the quick scene of Baz talking to Trunnel–Hellar’s Speaker. Initially, Baz is antagonistic with him, accusing him of kissing Hellar’s boots. But he quickly realizes that Trunnel is probably just as concerned as being killed as Baz is, and he steps back his insult.

Of course, then Trunnel drops the bomb, that Hellar has no issue with dishonesty when it suits him. Is Trunnel just getting Baz back for the insult, or is he trying to help him?

First we’d feed you your tongue… then start removing fingers

We close with another look at Marla, and it’s no better than what we saw earlier. She gives us a front-row seat to how poorly some Readers treat their Speakers, punching hers after she makes a mistake that ruins a spell, then kicking him while he’s down. Hellar and Deliritous don’t even react, showing how desensitized to such treatment they must be.

Baz, though, suffers from “a severe bout of life-threatening stupidity,” yelling for Marla to stop it, pointing out she’s the one who messed up the Reading. Of course, Marla doesn’t like this, threatening Baz with a knife, and explaining to him in rather graphic terms what she’d do to him if given the chance. And maybe she would do it, too, if not for… Who? Of all people, it’s Rox to the rescue!

“Enough,” he says, with his razor out. Rox is quickly turning into a bit of a teddy bear here, right? Baz noted earlier in the chapter that he hums sad Enigman ballads to himself at night and Rox was also the only person who reacted to Marla kicking her Speaker for a mistake that she’d made. And now he’s potentially saved Baz for Marla’s wrath. Rox, a man to keep an eye on!

And that’s the chapter. We’re left very much doubting the benefit of the truce Deliritous has brokered. As Baz points out, even if Hellar isn’t a liar, it seems he has no true control over Marla. Or perhaps they are just working together behind Deliritous’s back. We see Marla look to Hellar and he shakes his head. Are they waiting for something? Or maybe Hellar does have more control over her than Baz thinks. We’ll have to wait next week to see!


Alright, a bit of a shorter week here, but next week is going to be a doozy and likely a long  one, so stay tuned. We’ll be reading Chapters 11 and 12, and these might be some of the most exciting chapters in the book.

Homework: Baz takes some initiative, and answers a question some of you might have been wondering about since the beginning of the book. Then Deliritous has a… reaction to something Baz does. Predictable or stupid? Hmmm. That’s all I’m going to give you for homework this week. Want you to just enjoy these two chapters.

Listener Question:

Quest: Send me a curse phrase based on something bad happening to books. Baz is going to be in lots of situations that call for cursing soon, and I’d love to hear what you all come up with. 3 XP each to my 3 favorite submissions!


“Does it make you brave to stick your hand in a bear’s mouth? Would you do it again just because you didn’t die?”

― Robert Jordan, The Dragon Reborn

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.

D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapter 9-Episode 8

D. T. Kane reads chapter 9 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


YouTube: https://youtu.be/lw2XyQC_XAA

If you’re enjoying the Acktus Trials, or have already read it, please consider taking a minute to leave a review. Reviews help authors by increasing the visibility of their books, which helps get them into the hands of more readers. Thank you for your support! Follow this link to leave a review: https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B09QZ8MQ38

The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now: https://dtkane.com/books/the-acktus-trials/

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:
Baztian (Baz): Our main character
Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)
Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library
Duke Octavinal: Deliritous’s father, leader of Torchsire Library

Hellar Xavier: Reader, heir to Xavier Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials
Trunnel: Hellar’s Speaker, an Influencer
Arrow: Hellar’s Harbour

Marla Kolnar: Nice of the Duchess of Kolnar Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials
Ryle: Marla’s Harbour

What’s D. T. Kane reading this week?

The Eye of the World, By Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time, Book 1)
Audio: https://amzn.to/3HiKKqw
eBook: https://amzn.to/3Hit7Hw
Print: https://amzn.to/3HhNvZs

This week’s quote: “Freedom doesn’t mean you get to choose what happens to you. But you do get to choose how you react to it.” ― Stephen R. Donaldson, The One Tree

Links to Book 1 of Stephen R. Donaldson’s Epic Fantasy Series, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
Audio: https://amzn.to/3hlbDQj
eBook: https://amzn.to/3voq9ig
Print: https://amzn.to/3IuGtld

Disclosure: The links above are affiliate links. If you make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. I use these commissions to pay for overhead such as hosting and editing costs. Thank you for supporting my show!

Below is a copy of my notes/script for this episode, not a verbatim transcription.


Today is February 24, 2022 as I record this, Episode 8.


Import of Trials

It’s like a national holiday, though the sort of holiday the Hunger Gamers were in Pan Am. Libraries rise and fall based on the results of the Trials. The entire government is present, the Table of Ennea, as well as congregations from each of the nine Libraries and Illits to watch.

Of course, Baz notes, they’re much less significant to him. Just another threat to his continued breathing.

Erstwhile is built like a fortress

Fifty foot walls thick enough for eight men to walk abreast, giant portcullis, and a killing ground.

The Competitors

Hellar has an Enforcer and Influencer with him. Harbour seems similar to Rox, though only an “above-average hill, rather than a towering mountain.” In addition to the “standard-issue razor” he’s also got a bandolier full of knives, a bow, and he’s carrying a “Bookpack.” A “traveling bookshelf on shoulder straps” Baz calls it.

Hellar’s Speaker is Trunnel, the same Influencer we saw earlier. Baz notes that’s an interesting choice, as most would either choose a healer (Creator) or a Destroyer who can fling about offensive spells. So let’s be honest here, this choice is obviously going to have consequences down the road. What could Hellar have planned with a Speaker capable of mind control?

Marla. First thing we learn is she probably as a bit of a chip on her shoulder. Baz points out that the Duchess of Kolnar has a daughter old enough to compete in the Trials, but has held her back a year so she doesn’t go against Hellar. So Marla’s a bit of a sacrificial lamb, unless she wins, in which case Kolnar will look good, beating Xavier’s best with a “lesser” candidate. We remember how unsettling Marla seemed back in the scene where the Citiless was tortured, so the fact that she has this as motivation certainly doesn’t bode well.

Her Harbour is a woman, which Baz notes is odd. She uses two razors and seems to exude a similar aspect of terror as her master. Baz mutters to Rox that he better look out for that Harbour. “Hmmm, Truth,” Rox rumbled. “I know Ryle. Words mean… odd things to her.” The hesitance in Rox’s voice concerns Baz. If Rox is upset by Marla’s Harbour…

Marla’s Speaker is a Creator and he seems to be a madman. He wears blinders, like a horse. So his eyes haven’t been removed like Octavinal does to his Speakers, though Baz questions whether that’s any better. “It was said that denying one’s body the use of a sense it hadn’t lost did strange things to a man.”

He swayed in place with a sort of nervy anticipation, as if he’d lash out at the slightest stimulation. He licked his lips incessantly, as if he couldn’t keep them moistened, and his hands kept opening and closing into fists. He reminded Baz of a mute, ravenous dog, just waiting for the collar to come off. Most people thought of Creators as healers and food producers, but Baz knew better. There were some truly awful spells a Creator could utter that would kill you just as dead as any fireball conjured by a Destroyer.

History of Oration

249th Acktus Trials

Before the Burning, anyone could Read and theft, murder, and war were rampant.

Then the three Scribes call the Summit. “Gods given flesh to guide us.” Their vision was to consolidate power and knowledge with only those worthy to possess it. Responsibility, true ability, and foresight. A gather of Oration’s strongest Orators. (The crowd boos this term–apparently what Cusses were called before the Burning).

Intent was to write new Books in a language that could only be understood by a select few. Locked themselves at the peak of the Great Library’s tallest tower. Hmm, where did we see the Great Library’s tower before? But something went terribly wrong. An explosion, blowing the tower’s top off and much of the rest of the Library. The skies turned red and the great Scribes, along with many Orators, were lost. Fire rained from the skies throughout Erstwhile, killing thousands.

The Uncertainties followed. Much of Oration’s leadership died in the Burning. Tome was looted and further ruined. Shelves picked all but bare.

Then Acktus Deliritous Torchsire led the Second Burning, restored order. Confiscated Books until their power resided solely in the nine Libraries of Erstwhile, seven of Fortune, and three of Enigma. Also established the separation of powers between Readers, Speakers, and Illits. “Ensure dependence on one another, rather than division.”

“Baz suppressed a snigger.” Did they actually believe that? Power wasn’t separated, the Speakers had none.

Acktus Trials were started because new Books can’t be made–have to find more. Scribes’ spells still hold sway in Tome, Books don’t age the same way there.

Conservator gives the competitors the Scribes’ blessing, “gesture of the Trinity, hands cupped together like a book then raising three fingers to his lips.”

Rules of the Acktus Trials

  • Return within 60 days
  • Two paths to Tome, one is shorter but more dangerous. The other longer but safter. I’ll toss the map up on the screen on YouTube highlighting both paths.
    • The way through the Reach and across the Firelands and Weeping Plains is shorter, but more treacherous; the way through the Emerald Woods longer, but generally safer, though not without challenges.
  • Work together or separate
  • No “mortal force” against another Reader, though Baz notes Readers are capable of inflicting quite a bit of pain without using mortal force. Plus, no prohibition against killing Speakers.
  • Can only take one Book, by treaty with other cities of the Triumvirate
  • Table judges which Book is best and declares winner


Homework: Next week we read Chapter 10! Our competitors are finally off and traveling through the Wilds. Deliritous makes a deal with his other competitors. Is he savvy or stupid? Baz talks with Trunnel and receives a dire warning–what does that portend? And then Baz really puts his foot in his mouth and is rescued by an unlikely source.

Listener Question: Save these for next episode to go over quests.

Quest: Go over answers from previous episodes:

  1. What do you think was my inspiration for the dragon we meet in the prologue? 2 XP
  2. About how old is Baz in chapters 1 and 2? It doesn’t come right out and say it, but you can figure it out from context. 1XP
  1. What is that statue of the dragon in the Conservatory calling to mind from earlier? 1 XP
  2. For this week’s quest, I’d like you to send me your favorite excerpt from Chapter 4. 1 XP
  3. What do you think the inciting incident of the novel is? 2 XP
  4.  I left out another potentially interesting connection between Tax’s tattoo and something from earlier in the Book. 3 XP
  5. Who is your favorite fantasy author? 1 XP


“Freedom doesn’t mean you get to choose what happens to you. But you do get to choose how you react to it.”

― Stephen R. Donaldson, The One Tree

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.