D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club, The Acktus Trials, Chapter 9-Episode 8

D. T. Kane reads chapter 9 of his epic fantasy fiction novel, The Acktus Trials, and discusses the chapter with his audience.


YouTube: https://youtu.be/lw2XyQC_XAA

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The Acktus Trials, an epic fantasy novel, available now: https://dtkane.com/books/the-acktus-trials/

Map of Oration: https://dtkane.com/resources/map-of-oration/

Characters in this Chapter:
Baztian (Baz): Our main character
Rox: Deliritous’s Harbour (bodyguard)
Deliritous: Baz’s master, heir to Torchsire Library
Duke Octavinal: Deliritous’s father, leader of Torchsire Library

Hellar Xavier: Reader, heir to Xavier Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials
Trunnel: Hellar’s Speaker, an Influencer
Arrow: Hellar’s Harbour

Marla Kolnar: Nice of the Duchess of Kolnar Library, one of the competitors going on the Trials
Ryle: Marla’s Harbour

What’s D. T. Kane reading this week?

The Eye of the World, By Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time, Book 1)
Audio: https://amzn.to/3HiKKqw
eBook: https://amzn.to/3Hit7Hw
Print: https://amzn.to/3HhNvZs

This week’s quote: “Freedom doesn’t mean you get to choose what happens to you. But you do get to choose how you react to it.” ― Stephen R. Donaldson, The One Tree

Links to Book 1 of Stephen R. Donaldson’s Epic Fantasy Series, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
Audio: https://amzn.to/3hlbDQj
eBook: https://amzn.to/3voq9ig
Print: https://amzn.to/3IuGtld

Disclosure: The links above are affiliate links. If you make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. I use these commissions to pay for overhead such as hosting and editing costs. Thank you for supporting my show!

Below is a copy of my notes/script for this episode, not a verbatim transcription.


Today is February 24, 2022 as I record this, Episode 8.


Import of Trials

It’s like a national holiday, though the sort of holiday the Hunger Gamers were in Pan Am. Libraries rise and fall based on the results of the Trials. The entire government is present, the Table of Ennea, as well as congregations from each of the nine Libraries and Illits to watch.

Of course, Baz notes, they’re much less significant to him. Just another threat to his continued breathing.

Erstwhile is built like a fortress

Fifty foot walls thick enough for eight men to walk abreast, giant portcullis, and a killing ground.

The Competitors

Hellar has an Enforcer and Influencer with him. Harbour seems similar to Rox, though only an “above-average hill, rather than a towering mountain.” In addition to the “standard-issue razor” he’s also got a bandolier full of knives, a bow, and he’s carrying a “Bookpack.” A “traveling bookshelf on shoulder straps” Baz calls it.

Hellar’s Speaker is Trunnel, the same Influencer we saw earlier. Baz notes that’s an interesting choice, as most would either choose a healer (Creator) or a Destroyer who can fling about offensive spells. So let’s be honest here, this choice is obviously going to have consequences down the road. What could Hellar have planned with a Speaker capable of mind control?

Marla. First thing we learn is she probably as a bit of a chip on her shoulder. Baz points out that the Duchess of Kolnar has a daughter old enough to compete in the Trials, but has held her back a year so she doesn’t go against Hellar. So Marla’s a bit of a sacrificial lamb, unless she wins, in which case Kolnar will look good, beating Xavier’s best with a “lesser” candidate. We remember how unsettling Marla seemed back in the scene where the Citiless was tortured, so the fact that she has this as motivation certainly doesn’t bode well.

Her Harbour is a woman, which Baz notes is odd. She uses two razors and seems to exude a similar aspect of terror as her master. Baz mutters to Rox that he better look out for that Harbour. “Hmmm, Truth,” Rox rumbled. “I know Ryle. Words mean… odd things to her.” The hesitance in Rox’s voice concerns Baz. If Rox is upset by Marla’s Harbour…

Marla’s Speaker is a Creator and he seems to be a madman. He wears blinders, like a horse. So his eyes haven’t been removed like Octavinal does to his Speakers, though Baz questions whether that’s any better. “It was said that denying one’s body the use of a sense it hadn’t lost did strange things to a man.”

He swayed in place with a sort of nervy anticipation, as if he’d lash out at the slightest stimulation. He licked his lips incessantly, as if he couldn’t keep them moistened, and his hands kept opening and closing into fists. He reminded Baz of a mute, ravenous dog, just waiting for the collar to come off. Most people thought of Creators as healers and food producers, but Baz knew better. There were some truly awful spells a Creator could utter that would kill you just as dead as any fireball conjured by a Destroyer.

History of Oration

249th Acktus Trials

Before the Burning, anyone could Read and theft, murder, and war were rampant.

Then the three Scribes call the Summit. “Gods given flesh to guide us.” Their vision was to consolidate power and knowledge with only those worthy to possess it. Responsibility, true ability, and foresight. A gather of Oration’s strongest Orators. (The crowd boos this term–apparently what Cusses were called before the Burning).

Intent was to write new Books in a language that could only be understood by a select few. Locked themselves at the peak of the Great Library’s tallest tower. Hmm, where did we see the Great Library’s tower before? But something went terribly wrong. An explosion, blowing the tower’s top off and much of the rest of the Library. The skies turned red and the great Scribes, along with many Orators, were lost. Fire rained from the skies throughout Erstwhile, killing thousands.

The Uncertainties followed. Much of Oration’s leadership died in the Burning. Tome was looted and further ruined. Shelves picked all but bare.

Then Acktus Deliritous Torchsire led the Second Burning, restored order. Confiscated Books until their power resided solely in the nine Libraries of Erstwhile, seven of Fortune, and three of Enigma. Also established the separation of powers between Readers, Speakers, and Illits. “Ensure dependence on one another, rather than division.”

“Baz suppressed a snigger.” Did they actually believe that? Power wasn’t separated, the Speakers had none.

Acktus Trials were started because new Books can’t be made–have to find more. Scribes’ spells still hold sway in Tome, Books don’t age the same way there.

Conservator gives the competitors the Scribes’ blessing, “gesture of the Trinity, hands cupped together like a book then raising three fingers to his lips.”

Rules of the Acktus Trials

  • Return within 60 days
  • Two paths to Tome, one is shorter but more dangerous. The other longer but safter. I’ll toss the map up on the screen on YouTube highlighting both paths.
    • The way through the Reach and across the Firelands and Weeping Plains is shorter, but more treacherous; the way through the Emerald Woods longer, but generally safer, though not without challenges.
  • Work together or separate
  • No “mortal force” against another Reader, though Baz notes Readers are capable of inflicting quite a bit of pain without using mortal force. Plus, no prohibition against killing Speakers.
  • Can only take one Book, by treaty with other cities of the Triumvirate
  • Table judges which Book is best and declares winner


Homework: Next week we read Chapter 10! Our competitors are finally off and traveling through the Wilds. Deliritous makes a deal with his other competitors. Is he savvy or stupid? Baz talks with Trunnel and receives a dire warning–what does that portend? And then Baz really puts his foot in his mouth and is rescued by an unlikely source.

Listener Question: Save these for next episode to go over quests.

Quest: Go over answers from previous episodes:

  1. What do you think was my inspiration for the dragon we meet in the prologue? 2 XP
  2. About how old is Baz in chapters 1 and 2? It doesn’t come right out and say it, but you can figure it out from context. 1XP
  1. What is that statue of the dragon in the Conservatory calling to mind from earlier? 1 XP
  2. For this week’s quest, I’d like you to send me your favorite excerpt from Chapter 4. 1 XP
  3. What do you think the inciting incident of the novel is? 2 XP
  4.  I left out another potentially interesting connection between Tax’s tattoo and something from earlier in the Book. 3 XP
  5. Who is your favorite fantasy author? 1 XP


“Freedom doesn’t mean you get to choose what happens to you. But you do get to choose how you react to it.”

― Stephen R. Donaldson, The One Tree

Until next time, this has been D. T. Kane’s Epic Fantasy Book Club.