Fantasy Quote of the Week, April 22, 2022

“We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream.”

Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Like unicorns, people are complex creatures. First impressions might be important, but they rarely give us the full story of a person, of what’s truly inside of them. People have many hopes and dreams and the sad reality is that many go through life never realizing them, or even attempting to realize them, instead opting for the comfort of the average and mundane. Remember that the next time a stranger is rude to you–it likely has nothing to do with you and everything about what’s going on in that stranger’s own life. Instead, focus on what you can control, namely putting yourself in position to achieve your dreams. If you do, you’ll be the rare unicorn in a sea of missed opportunities. 

Note to readers: Each week, I share a fantasy quote and indulge my inner philosopher with a brief essay based on said quote. Share your favorite quote with me and I might feature it in a future newsletter! Email: