August 26, 2022 Fantasy Quote OTW

“Mockery is just hate’s patina, and every laugh is vicious.”

Steven Erikson, Deadhouse Gates

Judgement. Something we pretend not to do, but that everyone does on a daily basis. The clothes she wears, the way he acts, the opinions another holds. It’s not something to be ashamed of. In many instances, our brain passes judgment before we’re even conscious it’s doing so.

What we ought to be ashamed of, though, is permitting those snap judgments to dictate how we act. Quite often, when we look down on another, it has nothing to with them. Rather, it’s because something about that person has touched upon an insecurity we ourselves possess. We turn our noses at someone’s clothes because we have a poor self image; we condemn another’s actions because, deep down, we fear the risk of failure that accompanies action; we chastise an opinion because we don’t have the courage to admit we haven’t a clue. 

Judgments are everywhere, and sometimes acting on them is even necessary. But unless you’ve walked into a bear or are diving away from a speeding car, judgments are a beginning, not an end. The next time you think to criticize, stop and ask yourself: What does that criticism say about me? You might just learn something about yourself and gain a new-found appreciation for another.

Big thanks to Kris S for submitting this week’s quote!

Note to readers: Each week, I share a fantasy quote and indulge my inner philosopher with a brief essay based on said quote. Share your favorite quote with me and I might feature it in a future newsletter! Email: