August 12, 2022 Fantasy Quote OTW

“Words are the only bullets in truth’s bandolier. And poets are the snipers.”

― Dan Simmons, Hyperion

Cheese pizza. Pilsner beer. The cap-toe oxford. Simple things. Boring, some might say. But in today’s frenetic society, we often lose sight of simplicity’s beauty.

Just as poetry thrives on an economy of words, so too should we consider simplifying our lives. How many things, both physical and intangible, enter our lives that serve no useful purpose, do nothing to further our goals and values? We permit ourselves to hide behind all this meaningless clutter, and for that reason it can be frightening to clear it away.

But clear it away we must! Just as shoddy baking can’t hide behind cheese and sauce, poor brewing is magnified by a pilsner’s minimal ingredients, and the slightest scuff sullies even the most expensive pair of oxfords, so too can we no longer hide from our inadequacies, fears, and dreams once we are surrounded by only that which brings meaning, purpose, or joy.

There is truth in simplicity.

Note to readers: Each week, I share a fantasy quote and indulge my inner philosopher with a brief essay based on said quote. Share your favorite quote with me and I might feature it in a future newsletter! Email:

Second note to readers: Yes, I know Cantillon Gueze is not a pilsner. But it is simple in its own, deliciously sour way!